My main role on this job was to model the chandeliers we see when the camera pans up at the theater. There was a real chandelier that was shot, and is visible throughout the advert, so I needed to match the shape of that one. I decided to take a procedural approach and model this in Houdini, both because I wanted to get some more experience modelling in the software, and because I figured the procedural approach would be handy in case further changes were needed later on. In the end I learned a lot of new tricks and was very pleased with the resulting model, and hope to do more with Houdini in the future.
The second of my main tasks was to model the ceiling of the the theatre, with its grand archways and fancy trim. I did this in Maya, using a combination of curves/NURBs surfaces to make the main ceiling shapes and trim pattern, and MASH to create the trim patterns and warp them to the curves. This kept a lot of the ceiling live, with the ability to just tweak certain curves in order to update the whole structure.
Read more about the project here on Framestore's website.