I did modelling and texturing for a variety of props and environment assets for this 4D VR experience for Sky. The project was using Unreal Engine, and it was my first time building assets for a real time project. I was modelling in Maya, texturing in Substance Painter. I modelled and textured a lot of the furniture and decorations we see in both the living room and the kitchen, including things like cupboards, the kitchen sink, the fridge, pepper pots etc. I also did a range of sports balls which fly out from a tablet display on the kitchen counter; like a football, tennis ball and golf ball. We also received models for the Formula 1 cars which drive past and do donuts around the user, which needed rebuilding so they were optimised for use in the game engine. I also modelled the White Walker's staff, which he thumps into the floor.
Read more about the project here on Framestore's website.